Business Travel Insights
 min read

How Much Sleep Do Business Travellers Actually Get?

August 30, 2022
Locomote team
Nick Sutherland
August 30, 2022
Locomote blog posts

We live in a world that’s always on the go. We’re always busy, and it’s almost challenging to find time within the day to stop and rest. 

But sleep is an essential component of our productivity. The only way we can work to the best of our abilities is if we’re fully recharged. 

As a business traveller, it’s important to have this mindset. Jet lag, stress, and a big workload shouldn’t stop you from getting the good night’s sleep that you deserve.

If you’re a business traveller who finds it hard to get a good night’s sleep when you’re constantly on the go, this article is for you. 

We’re sharing our best-known tips to help you squeeze in that much-needed rest amidst your busy work schedule. 

Sleep Strategically on Planes and Trains

Whether you’re travelling for only a few minutes or a few hours, using this travel time to close your eyes and ease your mind is an effective way to rest and recharge. 

We get it. Having work in the back of your mind can make sleep much harder to come by. 

Taking melatonin or magnesium are both good ways to help you feel drowsy while travelling. Both of these supplements are proven to aid in sleep without any negative side effects or grogginess. 

If possible, avoid drinking caffeine before your big trip. It will make it harder for you to sleep. 

However, if drinking something is part of your routine, a better alternative is to switch your regular coffee with chamomile tea, green tea, or lavender tea. These teas are scientifically proven to have soothing properties to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. 

Add Sleep Into Your Schedule

When you’re on a business trip, your sleep schedule is often disrupted due to high demands at work and shifts in time zones. 

Incorporating sleep into your schedule is an important part of corporate travel management even if you may not feel like sleeping. 

By scheduling your rest, you can have better control over your time and ensure that you get enough rest to enhance your productivity and focus. 

Time Your Food and Drink

Not only do you need to incorporate sleep into your schedule, but you can also time your food and drink. You may not see the effects immediately, but eating regularly and enough will have a positive impact on your sleep quality.

For example, eating heavy meals before bed can make it more challenging to fall asleep. 

Likewise, it’s also not healthy to sleep with an empty stomach at night. As much as possible, have your last meal and beverage by 8:00 PM. 

This will give your body enough time to digest everything you’ve consumed so you don’t experience unnecessary gastrointestinal issues like heartburn, indigestion, or acid reflux. 

These issues will not only be unpleasant but can impact your workflow and productivity the following day.

Besides timing your evening meals, consistently scheduling your breakfast, snacks, and lunch throughout the day will improve your energy and productivity as well. 

Eating — much like sleeping — can be easily overlooked, especially when you’re stressed over business plans. 

By plotting eating and drinking into your daily plans, you can ensure that your body stays nourished and energised to take on your daily activities.

Use Tech to Improve Sleep

Technology is integral in enhancing your sleep quality.

Throughout the years, numerous innovations have emerged designed to improve all aspects of your sleep. 

While there may be countless technological advancements to help you sleep better, we’ve narrowed it down to some of our favourites. 

Sleep Apps

There are hundreds of sleep app varieties available today, ranging from sleep trackers to meditation apps. 

Some of the best sleep apps we can recommend include:

  • Headspace
  • Calm
  • Breathwrk
  • Sleepa
  • Twilight

These apps offer guided meditations, breathing exercises, and soothing sounds to ease your stress, regulate your vitals, and prepare you for bed. 

Fitness Trackers

Smartwatches and wristbands do more than just tell time. They can also track your food intake and sleep. 

They can incorporate heart rate, blood oxygen, and movement data into their system to estimate your diverse sleep rates. 

Through this technology, you can get better insight into your sleep quality and adjust accordingly to improve it further. 

Glow Lights

The ambience you surround yourself with also impacts your sleep. 

By utilising smart glow lights that can optimise the darkness and brightness of your room, you can create an atmosphere ideal for rest.

Key Takeaway

Through these helpful tips, you can establish the perfect balance between rest and work so you can use your time wisely to recharge. 

Remember, on every business trip, sleep is just as important as work. Always make it a priority so you can boost your productivity and improve your workflow.