Travel Management

[eBook] 7 Step Guide to Writing a Business Travel Policy

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It’s common to assume that you might not need a business travel policy. Maybe your company is only just starting out, still in its early growth stage, or just doesn’t do much business travel.

That line of thinking couldn’t be more wrong, though.

A company travel policy isn’t something exclusive only to large businesses. Even small startups whose employees only travel twice a year can really benefit from having a solid corporate travel policy.

Corporate travel policies reduce time-wasting, repetitive, and redundant questions. It’s a place to turn to for convenient answers and guidance to ensure everything is on the up and up with the company.

Having a business travel policy in place helps foster fairness and transparency. It also provides employees with greater freedom and autonomy while maintaining corporate authority and management. 

Most importantly, it also serves as a way to ensure the safety of your travellers, especially in today’s post-COVID world.

Now that we’ve established the need for a travel policy, how do you go about building one that employees would follow?

Creating, maintaining, and enforcing a company travel policy doesn’t mean micromanaging every last detail of your employee’s business trip. Instead, it means providing them with the tools and information they need to feel safe, comfortable, and supported by the company.

Moreover, many travel policies today centre around flexibility and providing employees with greater freedom to arrange their business travel.

Our guide will give you everything to do exactly that — we’ll discuss various travel management styles, provide tips for creating modern travel policies, and offer techniques to help increase compliance.

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